Glossary of terminology related to company life: Korean-English
no | 용어 : 한-영 |
1 | IT(IT) |
2 | 가치관(core values) |
3 | 강등(demotion) |
4 | 거래조건(trading terms) |
5 | 거래처(partner) |
6 | 경력(career) |
7 | 경영전략(management strategy) |
8 | 계약(contract) |
9 | 고객만족(customer satisfaction) |
10 | 고객서비스(customer service) |
11 | 공급망(supply chain) |
12 | 광고(advertisement) |
13 | 근무시간(working hours) |
14 | 근무일수(working days) |
15 | 근무환경(work environment) |
16 | 근태(attendance management) |
17 | 급여(payroll) |
18 | 기업정신(corporate spirit) |
19 | 네트워크(network) |
20 | 대인관계(interpersonal relations) |
21 | 대처(cope) |
22 | 데이터분석(data analysis) |
23 | 동료(colleague) |
24 | 리더십(leadership) |
25 | 마케팅(marketing) |
26 | 면접(interview) |
27 | 목표(goal) |
28 | 문제해결(problem solving) |
29 | 물류(logistics) |
30 | 미션(mission) |
31 | 발표(presentation) |
32 | 법률(law) |
33 | 병가(sick leave) |
34 | 보고서(report) |
35 | 보안(security) |
36 | 복지(benefits) |
37 | 부서(department) |
38 | 브랜드(brand) |
39 | 비전(vision) |
40 | 사내문화(corporate culture) |
41 | 사원(staff) |
42 | 상사(boss) |
43 | 성과(performance) |
44 | 성과평가(performance evaluation) |
45 | 세무(tax) |
46 | 소프트웨어(software) |
47 | 수당(bonus) |
48 | 스케줄(schedule) |
49 | 승진(promotion) |
50 | 시스템(system) |
51 | 앱(application) |
52 | 업무(task) |
53 | 업무분장(work distribution) |
54 | 업무프로세스(work process) |
55 | 연봉(salary) |
56 | 연차(annual leave) |
57 | 영업(sales) |
58 | 웹(web) |
59 | 의사소통(communication) |
60 | 이념(ideology) |
61 | 인사(human resources) |
62 | 인사관리(human resources management) |
63 | 인재개발(talent development) |
64 | 인터넷(internet) |
65 | 인터뷰(interview) |
66 | 일자리(jobs) |
67 | 일정관리(schedule management) |
68 | 자산관리(asset management) |
69 | 재무(finance) |
70 | 전자우편(e-mail) |
71 | 정보보안(information security) |
72 | 조직(organization) |
73 | 조퇴(early departure) |
74 | 지각(late arrival) |
75 | 지적재산권(intellectual property rights) |
76 | 직무분석(job analysis) |
77 | 직무평가(job evaluation) |
78 | 직원(employee) |
79 | 진급(advancement) |
80 | 창의성(creativity) |
81 | 채용(recruitment) |
82 | 출근(attendance) |
83 | 출장(business trip) |
84 | 취업(job) |
85 | 클라우드(cloud) |
86 | 퇴근(leaving work) |
87 | 퇴직금(severance pay) |
88 | 팀워크(teamwork) |
89 | 품질관리(quality control) |
90 | 프로세스개선(process improvement) |
91 | 프로젝트(project) |
92 | 프로젝트관리(project management) |
93 | 하드웨어(hardware) |
94 | 해고(termination) |
95 | 협업(collaboration) |
96 | 회계(accounting) |
97 | 회사(company) |
98 | 회의(meeting) |
99 | 휴가(vacation) |
100 | 휴식(rest) |
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