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Gyeongnam, which was quiet, protested from the South Sea.."Why does the country not know me?" https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DksmvkV 가이거 계수기 핵 방사선 검출기 엑스레이 ˚- 레이 ˚- 레이 검출기 실시간 평균 누적 선량 모드 방사성 테스터 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003721636457.html?aff_fcid=42b738d2e0384c9d939f7386ab4743ef-1688519203150-01141-_DksmvkV&tt=CPS_NORMAL&aff_fsk=_DksmvkV&aff_platform=shareComponent-detail&sk=_DksmvkV&aff_trace_key=42b738d2e0384c9d939f7386ab4743ef-1688519203150-01141-_DksmvkV&terminal_id=32.. 2023. 7. 5.
Large tuna on the beach...How many? / / KBS 2023.07.03. Large tuna on the beach...How many? / / KBS 2023.07.03. [Anchor] Tuna fishing has been considered to have little to do with Korea, but things have changed recently. At this time last year, thousands of tuna carcasses were washed up on Yeongdeok Beach, and this time, large live tuna appeared on the shallow shore and were caught, How many tuna are there on the east coast of Gyeongsangbuk-do? Repor.. 2023. 7. 5.
Address book of Korean diplomatic missions in Korea Address book of Korean diplomatic missions in Korea 공관장 성명 / 주소 / 우편번호 / 이메일 / 전화번호 / 팩스번호 WHO 아시아 환경 보건센터 Marco MARTTUZZI Head of Office 서울특별시 종로구 종로 38 서울글로벌센터 11층 03188 wproace@who.int 739-8730 739-8731 가나 Doris Adzo Denyo BRESE 대사대리 (Charge d'Affaires a. i.) 서울특별시 용산구 독서당로 120, C.P.O Box 3887 04420 ghanaembassy.seoul.kr@gmail.com 3785-1427 749-8982/3 3785-1428 가봉 Carlos Victor BOUNGOU 2011.1.. 2023. 2. 27.