Description of the development of sniper rifles and submachine guns for the Korean military
국산 총기 터줏대감 'SNT모티브'와 뉴페이스 '다산기공', 비슷하며 다른 두 회사의 신무기들ㅣ무기위키 Ep.09-3
이번 콘텐츠에서는 K14 저격총과 그 후속 모델인 STSR 2에 대한 자세한 설명을 담고 있습니다. 특히, 이 총기들은 다양한 조작 방식과 특수작전에 적합하도록 설계되어 있습니다. 총기의 형태와 규격에 맞춰 사용자가 쉽게 조정할 수 있는 점이 강조되고 있으며, 좌우수자 모두 사용할 수 있도록 배려한 설계가 눈에 띕니다. 최종적으로, 한국형 소총을 통해 군인들의 실전 필요를 충족시키기 위해 지속적으로 개발과 납품을 준비하고 있습니다. 이 영상을 통해 최신 군용 총기 기술에 대한 이해를 돕고, 실제 사용되는 무기의 특성과 기능을 살펴볼 수 있습니다.
핵심 용어
- K14 저격총: K14 저격총은 한국 군대에서 사용하는 저격용 총기이다. 이 총기는 볼트액션이라는 방식으로 작동하여 한 번에 한 발씩 발사된다. 볼트액션은 총기를 작동시키기 ...
1. 서론 🎯 S.T.S.R 2 저격총의 소개와 K14 저격총과의 비교
- S.T.S.R 2 저격총은 군용 목적으로 개발된 최신 모델이다 .
- 새로운 저격총의 개발 배경에는 현재 군에 배치된 K14 저격총이 있다 .
- K14 저격총과의 비교를 통해 S.T.S.R 2 저격총의 특성과 기능을 이해할 수 있다 .
2. 🔫 K14 저격총의 기술적 사양 및 기능
- 현재 K14 저격총은 볼트 액션 단발식으로 배치되어 있으며, 새로운 모델은 세미 오토 방식으로 개발되었고 7.62mm 탄을 사용할 수 있다 .
- 저격총은 엎드린 자세로 사격하는 것을 기본으로 하며, 다양한 사격 자세가 고려되어 설계되었다 .
- 이 총기는 길이 조절이 가능하고, 좌우수자가 모두 사용할 수 있도록 ergonomics이 적용되어 있다 .
- AR 16 타입의 장조 손잡이에 노리 전과 카틀니 레일 조준 장치가 장착되어 있어, 다양한 파츠를 활용하여 야간 사격도 가능하다 .
3. 🔍 국산 저격총 개발 현황 및 사업화 진행 상황
- 현재까지 SNT 모티브가 국산으로 개발한 저격총은 없으며, 사업화는 이루어지지 않았다 .
- 개발은 완료되었으나, 사업화를 통해 경정 입찰이 진행된 후 업체가 선정되어야 납품 기회가 발생할 것으로 보인다 .
- 지금까지 사업화 지원을 받아 개발품을 만들어온 상황이다 .
4. 🔫 9mm S.T.S.M 21 기관단총 소개
- 현재 전시 중인 주력 총기는 9mm S.T.S.M 21이라는 기관단총이다 .
- 이 총기는 과거 총기들과 비교하여 특별한 설계와 기능을 가지고 있는 것으로 추정된다 .
- 9mm 기관단총은 특수작전에 적합한 성능을 발휘할 것으로 기대된다 .
- 앞으로의 설명에서는 이 총기의 특징과 기타 전시 중인 총기들에 대한 관련 내용이 확장될 예정이다 .
5. 🔧 기관단총의 조작 편의성 및 구조
- 현재의 기관단총은 과거의 K2, K1, K1A 모델에 비해 좌우수자 모두가 조작할 수 있도록 개발되었다 .
- 장전 손잡이는 좌측과 우측에서 모두 사용 가능하여, 다양한 사용자들이 편리하게 조작할 수 있게 설계되었다 .
- 또한, 모듈 시스템을 도입하여 총기의 형태를 쉽게 변경할 수 있고, 파츠 교체가 용이하도록 개발되었다 .
- KSTC 16이라는 특수작전용 기관단총은 짧고 소음기 장착이 가능하며, 사용자 편의성을 고려하여 여러 기능이 추가되었다 .
- 현재 개발 중인 총기는 계속해서 신규 사업에 맞춰 발전하고 있으며, 납품을 위해 지속적으로 노력하고 있다 .
6. 🔫 한국형 소총 2 사업의 개발 및 기능적 특성
- 한국형 소총 2 사업은 DSL 152를 주력 총기로 삼아 현장에서 운영되고 있다 .
- 이 총기는 한국 군대의 요건에 맞춰 양손으로 모두 사용할 수 있도록 MB 타입으로 제작되었으며, 왼손잡이와 오른손잡이 모두 쉽게 조정 가능하다 .
- 소총의 길이는 14.5인치, 다른 모델은 10.5인치 및 11.5인치로 군의 요구 사항에 맞춰 개발되고 있다 .
- 40mm 유탄 발사기를 부착할 수 있도록 설계되어 있으며, 세 가지 종류의 탄약을 사용할 수 있는 유탄 발사체로 개발되었다 .
- 해당 소총과 유탄 발사기는 다산에서 제작된 것으로, 현재 개발 중인 탄약과 함께 군에 제공될 예정이다 .
7. 결론 🚀 향후 총기 보급 계획 및 기대 사항
- 현재 K14 저격총과 STSR 2는 육군 현역 군인들이 사용하고 있는 것으로 보이며, 아직 정식으로 보급되지 않은 상태이다 .
- 보급을 위해 지속적으로 준비 중에 있으며, 원활한 사업 참여를 목표로 하고 있다 .
- 특수작전에 대한 보급은 내년 혹은 내후년경에 일반 군무대에서 사용될 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다 .
This content provides a detailed explanation of the K14 sniper rifle and its successor, the STSR 2. In particular, these guns are designed to be suitable for various operating methods and special operations. The emphasis is on the user's ability to easily adjust the gun according to its shape and specifications, and the design that allows both left and right-handed users to use it stands out. Finally, we are continuously preparing for development and delivery to meet the practical needs of soldiers through Korean-style rifles. This video will help you understand the latest military firearms technology and examine the characteristics and functions of weapons actually used.
1. Introduction 🎯 Introduction to the S.T.S.R 2 sniper rifle and comparison with the K14 sniper rifle
The S.T.S.R 2 sniper rifle is the latest model developed for military purposes.
The background of the development of the new sniper rifle is the K14 sniper rifle currently deployed in the military.
You can understand the characteristics and functions of the S.T.S.R 2 sniper rifle through comparison with the K14 sniper rifle.
2. 🔫 Technical specifications and functions of the K14 sniper rifle
Currently, the K14 sniper rifle is deployed as a bolt action single shot, and the new model has been developed as a semi-auto and can use 7.62mm bullets.
The sniper rifle is designed to be shot from a prone position, and various shooting positions have been considered.
This gun is adjustable in length and has ergonomics applied so that both left and right-handed people can use it.
The AR 16 type long grip is equipped with a nori gun and a Kattney rail sight, so that night shooting is possible by utilizing various parts.
3. 🔍 Current status of domestic sniper rifle development and commercialization progress
As of now, there is no sniper rifle developed domestically by SNT Motive, and commercialization has not been achieved.
Development has been completed, but it seems that the opportunity to supply will arise only after a company is selected through a light bidding process through commercialization.
Up to now, the development product has been developed with support for commercialization.
4. 🔫 Introduction to the 9mm S.T.S.M 21 submachine gun
The main firearm currently on display is the 9mm S.T.S.M 21 submachine gun.
This firearm is believed to have a special design and function compared to past firearms.
The 9mm submachine gun is expected to perform well for special operations.
The description below will expand on the features of this firearm and other firearms on display.
5. 🔧 Convenience of operation and structure of the submachine gun
The current submachine gun was developed so that both the left and right hand can operate it, compared to the past K2, K1, and K1A models.
The loading handle can be used on both the left and right sides, so that various users can operate it conveniently.
In addition, the module system was introduced so that the shape of the firearm can be easily changed and parts can be easily replaced.
The special operation submachine gun called KSTC 16 is short, can be equipped with a silencer, and has various functions added for user convenience.
The gun currently under development is continuously evolving to fit the new project, and we are continuously working to deliver it.
6. 🔫 Development and functional characteristics of the Korean Rifle 2 project
The Korean Rifle 2 project is being operated in the field with the DSL 152 as the main gun.
This gun was manufactured as an MB type to be used with both hands in accordance with the requirements of the Korean military, and is easily adjustable for both left-handed and right-handed people.
The rifle is 14.5 inches long, and other models are being developed to fit the military's requirements, with 10.5 inches and 11.5 inches.
It is designed to be equipped with a 40mm grenade launcher, and has been developed as a grenade launcher that can use three types of ammunition.
The rifle and grenade launcher were manufactured by Dasan, and will be provided to the military along with the ammunition currently under development.
7. Conclusion 🚀 Future firearm supply plan and expectations
Currently, the K14 sniper rifle and STSR 2 are seen to be used by active-duty soldiers in the Army, and have not yet been officially supplied.
We are continuously preparing for supply, and aim for smooth business participation.
We expect that the supply for special operations will be available for general military use in the next year or the year after.
1. Introduction 🎯 Introduction to the S.T.S.R 2 sniper rifle and comparison with the K14 sniper rifle
The S.T.S.R 2 sniper rifle is the latest model developed for military purposes.
The background of the development of the new sniper rifle is the K14 sniper rifle currently deployed in the military.
You can understand the characteristics and functions of the S.T.S.R 2 sniper rifle through comparison with the K14 sniper rifle.
2. 🔫 Technical specifications and functions of the K14 sniper rifle
Currently, the K14 sniper rifle is deployed as a bolt action single shot, and the new model has been developed as a semi-auto and can use 7.62mm bullets.
The sniper rifle is designed to be shot from a prone position, and various shooting positions have been considered.
This gun is adjustable in length and has ergonomics applied so that both left and right-handed people can use it.
The AR 16 type long grip is equipped with a nori gun and a Kattney rail sight, so that night shooting is possible by utilizing various parts.
3. 🔍 Current status of domestic sniper rifle development and commercialization progress
As of now, there is no sniper rifle developed domestically by SNT Motive, and commercialization has not been achieved.
Development has been completed, but it seems that the opportunity to supply will arise only after a company is selected through a light bidding process through commercialization.
Up to now, the development product has been developed with support for commercialization.
4. 🔫 Introduction to the 9mm S.T.S.M 21 submachine gun
The main firearm currently on display is the 9mm S.T.S.M 21 submachine gun.
This firearm is believed to have a special design and function compared to past firearms.
The 9mm submachine gun is expected to perform well for special operations.
The description below will expand on the features of this firearm and other firearms on display.
5. 🔧 Convenience of operation and structure of the submachine gun
The current submachine gun was developed so that both the left and right hand can operate it, compared to the past K2, K1, and K1A models.
The loading handle can be used on both the left and right sides, so that various users can operate it conveniently.
In addition, the module system was introduced so that the shape of the firearm can be easily changed and parts can be easily replaced.
The special operation submachine gun called KSTC 16 is short, can be equipped with a silencer, and has various functions added for user convenience.
The gun currently under development is continuously evolving to fit the new project, and we are continuously working to deliver it.
6. 🔫 Development and functional characteristics of the Korean Rifle 2 project
The Korean Rifle 2 project is being operated in the field with the DSL 152 as the main gun.
This gun was manufactured as an MB type to be used with both hands in accordance with the requirements of the Korean military, and is easily adjustable for both left-handed and right-handed people.
The rifle is 14.5 inches long, and other models are being developed to fit the military's requirements, with 10.5 inches and 11.5 inches.
It is designed to be equipped with a 40mm grenade launcher, and has been developed as a grenade launcher that can use three types of ammunition.
The rifle and grenade launcher were manufactured by Dasan, and will be provided to the military along with the ammunition currently under development.
7. Conclusion 🚀 Future firearm supply plan and expectations
Currently, the K14 sniper rifle and STSR 2 are seen to be used by active-duty soldiers in the Army, and have not yet been officially supplied.
We are continuously preparing for supply, and aim for smooth business participation.
We expect that the supply for special operations will be available for general military use in the next year or the year after.
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