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똘마니 집안....마당에 묶어놓은 개. 똘마니 집안....마당에 묶어놓은 개.https://youtube.com/shorts/qOvFUzVd3Oc?si=dQvkK5BDHU4ytt5p 무선 리모컨 낚시 미끼 보트 낚시 피더, 어군 탐지기 장치, 430-540 야드 원격 범위, 야외 2024 https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DBSnPEp출처: https://richcat.tistory.com/303964 [리치캣의 현재 그리고 미래:티스토리] Wireless Remote Control Fishing Bait Boat Fishing Feeder Fish Finder Device 430-540 yards Remote Range For Outdoor 2024Smarter Shopping, Better Living! Alie.. 2024. 12. 2.
인식이 부족한 놈들... 증거는 넘쳐나는데...인식이 부족한 놈들... 그럼 해결책은 인식이 부족한 놈들을 제거하면 된다.!!!https://youtube.com/shorts/h3bu0D-sRao?si=xXNHD3idCozPb1fA  Flytec 리모컨 미끼 보트, 듀얼 모터 어군 탐지기, 낚시용 LED 조명 장착, 1.5kg 적재, 500m https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_De1go6V출처: https://richcat.tistory.com/303964 [리치캣의 현재 그리고 미래:티스토리] Flytec Fishing Bait Boat 500m Remote Control Bait Boat Dual Motor Fish Finder 1.5KG Loading with LED Light for Fishin.. 2024. 12. 2.
Judge and defendant's 'super strong'... Prosecutors increasingly cornered Judge and defendant's 'super strong'... Prosecutors increasingly corneredNewstapa is filing a lawsuit against the state for damages, criticizing the prosecution's illegal actions surrounding the defamation case against President Yoon Seok-yeol. It claims that the prosecution intervened in a case that it had no authority to investigate under the law and committed illegal acts during the search an.. 2024. 12. 2.
A president who is a punk...a thug politician...a swindler and an opportunist public servant... 똘아이 대통령...양아치 정치인...기회주의자 부역 공무원들의 분탕질... 그리고 댓글알바하는 부역자들까지....모조리 참수해야 한다.그래야...대한민국의 미래가 존재가능하다.The stupid president... the gangster politicians... the opportunistic collaborators' swindle... and even the collaborators who do comment work...They all need to be beheaded.Only then... can the future of the Republic of Korea exist.[LIVE] "사람이 어째 그 모양" 시국선언 잇따르는데…대통령실, 또 꺼내든 게 [이슈PLAY] / JTBC News .. 2024. 12. 2.