반응형 K-Food42 전라북도 음식문화 대표음식점 주소록 전라북도 음식문화 대표음식점 주소록 번호 음식점명 전화번호 음식점소개 관련음식 소재지 1 강촌숯불장어구이 063-563-3471 2대째 40년간을 이어온 자연산 풍천장어 숯불구이 전문점이다. 풍천장어구이(갯벌/양식), 장어누룽지탕, 메기매운탕 전북 고창군 아산면 인천강서길 6 2 강촌식당 063-563-3471 2대째 40년간을 이어온 자연산 풍천장어 숯불구이 전문점이다. 풍천장어구이(갯벌/양식), 장어누룽지탕, 메기매운탕 전북 고창군 아산면 인천강서길 6 3 고향식당 063-563-1326 3대째 대를 이은 전통의 맛집으로 주 메뉴가 풍천 장어구이와 산채비빔밥 전문점이다. 비빔밥에 나오는 구수한 맛의 보리밥이 인기이다. 보리밥과 함께 내는 나물들이 삼삼하여 보리밥의 맛을 더한다. 양도푸짐한 편이다. 장.. 2021. 5. 23. The popularity of'K-sweets' explodes... "What is the number one overseas popularity?" -Orion recovers 1 trillion won in Chinese sales in 3 years -Lotte Pepero, Crown Sweet and Sour Sales Soar The popularity of Korean sweets is increasing overseas. Of Orion's consolidated sales of 2.22 trillion won last year, the overseas share amounted to 65.5% (1.46.2 trillion won). The proportion of domestic sales is 34.5%. Overseas sales are increasing every year to 1.68 trillion won in 2017, .. 2021. 5. 12. K-Food is popular due to the Korean Wave in the Philippines -McDonald's launches Gochujang sauce & Kimchi dressing K-burger- -“We Love Kimchi” is also digging into a regular family house- Food service industry scale The Philippine food service market, which had recorded steady growth before Corona 19, was directly hit by the Philippine government's distance and lockdown measures to prevent the spread of Corona 19 after mid-March 2020. Due to the measure,.. 2021. 5. 10. [K-FOOD] The world sold 70 million dollars to Hite Jinro for soju. The world sold 70 million dollars to Hite Jinro for soju. Hite Jinro’s “Soju” is opening the era of “K liquor”. Although mainly in China and Southeast Asia for fruit soju, which is a specialized product, overseas sales have increased every year for the past six years, and general soju exports are expected in the future. Soju exports increased every year for 6 years On the 29th, Hite Jinro announ.. 2021. 1. 31. 이전 1 ··· 7 8 9 10 11 다음 반응형