반응형 K-Life153 Origin of the New Year, The food of the New Year, The traditional wind of the New Year, Origin of the New Year,The food of the New Year,The traditional wind of the New Year, 정월대보름의 유래,정월대보름의 음식,정월대보름의 전통풍속, 2019. 2. 20. Gangnam Station "Wind Hill" has four colors 'Carmel Lezon' Gangnam Station "Wind Hill" has four colors 'Carmel Lezon' Gangnam Station, wind hill, ventilation holes in blue, green, yellow, red light to show super fine dust Beautiful figurines are good, Fine dust from the factories in China is the biggest problem, It is a society that needs efforts to reduce fine dust that we generate in society. To give the next generation a healthy earth and environment.. 2019. 2. 18. Installed a demonstration of "High-tech bus stop" in fine dust clean area ... Installed a demonstration of "High-tech bus stop" in fine dust clean area ... Ondol chair, air-conditioner installed in bus stop ^ ^ Smart bulletin board is basic ... If you go to Gangnam (Seocho-gu) famous for Gangnam style, please take a look at the bus stop. ------------------------- 미세먼지 청정구역 "최첨단 버스정류장" 시범설치... 버스정류장에 온돌의자,냉난방기도 설치 ^^ 스마트게시판은 기본... 강남스타일로 유명한 강남(서초구)에 가면 버스정류장을 관찰해보세요.~~~--.. 2019. 2. 18. Korean bookstores are transforming ... 한국의 서점들이 변신을 하는 중... Korean bookstores are transforming ... Like a regular retail store or a department store ... I felt a lot of stacked books and sales, Recently, it is changing so that it can not be distinguished whether it is a library or a bookstore. At first glance, it looks like a reading cafe with a cup of coffee. I was impressed by Kyobo Book Store in Ulsan City ... Cheonan city Kyobo Book was transformed i.. 2018. 8. 20. 이전 1 ··· 35 36 37 38 39 다음 반응형