Revival Restaurant, Eoguksu (fish noodles), Boshintang, Jupo Tteokjip, Hongseong Rest Area, and radio station under the high mountain... How long will these old restaurants last? / 부흥식당, 어국수(물고기 국수), 보신탕, 주포 떡집, 홍..
Revival Restaurant, Eoguksu (fish noodles), Boshintang, Jupo Tteokjip, Hongseong Rest Area, and radio station under the high mountain... How long will these old restaurants last? / 부흥식당, 어국수(물고기 국수), 보신탕, 주포 떡집, 홍성휴게소, 그리고 높은 산아래 전파중계소...이 오래된 식당들은 언제까지 존속할까?
2023. 5. 19.