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From Jeju island Sengji Koji, a wide, flat white sandy beach is driving the coastal road up to the famous Seongseo beach, and it is included as time laps. - Samsung Gear 360 VR

by 리치캣 2019. 1. 21.



From Jeju island Sengji Koji, a wide, flat white sandy beach is driving the coastal road up to the famous Seongseo beach, and it is included as time laps. - Samsung Gear 360 VR 제주도 섭지코지에서 출발해서 넓고 평평한 백사장이 유명한 표선해수욕장까지 해안도로를 드라이브하면서 타임랩스로 담았습니다. -삼성 기어360 VR """[intotheKorea enjoys sharing the various aspects of Korea with people from all over the world.] [Korea's tourism, culture, people, city, food, fashion, trend ... www.intotheKOREA.com] """ "[ 인투더코리아는 대한민국의 다양한 모습을 전세계인과 공유하는 즐거움을 함께하고 있습니다. ] [ 한국의 관광,문화,사람,도시,음식,패션,트렌드... www.intotheKOREA.com ]"
