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The news that Korea's tidal flats have been registered as a World Cultural Heritage...^♥^ The news that Korea's tidal flats have been registered as a World Cultural Heritage...^♥^ 세계문화유산에 한국의 갯벌이 등재되었다는 소식이...^♥^ 캠핑 의자 ,낚시의자,접이식 의자,경량체어,릴렉스체어 https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DEhLesV 20.14US $ 50% OFF|Camping Chair Portable Lightweight Folding Chair For Picnic Beach Fishing - Beach Chairs - AliExpress Smarter Shopping, Better Living! Aliexpress.com www.aliexpress.com 2023. 3. 2.
At any dock in the home port of Byeonsanbando At any dock in the home port of Byeonsanbando 변산반도 모항 어느 선착장에서 2023. 3. 2.
Walking on the breakwater of Gyeokpo Port in the middle of the night...^&^ Walking on the breakwater of Gyeokpo Port in the middle of the night...^&^ Gyeokpo Port completely drained due to low tide However, there is a separate fishing area at the end of the breakwater, and I think I put on a really good head. However, even in this hot weather, many surveyors are waiting for the big fish with long-distance fishing rods thrown. I hope everyone catches the monster fish..... 2023. 3. 2.
The unexpectedly beautiful road to Seonyudo Going over the Saemangeum embankment... ^^ It feels like a bridge from Macau to Hong Kong. Then, on the way to the unexpectedly pretty Seonyudo And arrived at Seonyudo Beach Highly recommended as a "slow driving" course ^&^ 새만금 방조제 넘어가고 있는 중... ^^ 마카오에서 홍콩 넘어가는 다리 같은 느낌 그리고 이어서 예상치 못하게 이쁜 선유도까지 가는 길 그리고 선유도 해수욕장 도착 "슬로우 드라이빙" 코스로 강력 추천 ^&^ 2023. 3. 2.